Recent clients include:

  1.     Ananguku Arts & Aboriginal Corporation, Australia - peak body for Indigenous arts and culture on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands and regional South Australia.

  1.     SnowPix, Australia - sporting, action and portrait images around the snowfields of Mt Hotham, Victoria.

  1., London - the number one internet site for London tourism.

  1.     Pyxi Group, France - French-based design company which also has branches in Hong Kong.

  1.     Morue, London - London personal chef service.

  1.     National Autistic Society, London - United Kingdoms leading charity for people with Autism, their families and their carers.

  1.     London Borough of Tower Hamlets - local council of Tower Hamlets, East London.

  1.     South London Press, London - local daily newspaper in South London.

Recent publications include:

  1.     ‘Tjukurpa Pulkatjara: The Power of the Law’ - catalogue covering the bench-mark exhibition of Indigenous artists from the APY Lands and Western Desert regions of Australia.  Available through leading book shops nationally.

  1.     Australian Art Collector - advertising images and accompanying images for articles relating to Indigenous artwork in the quarterly art magazine.

  1.     The Adelaide Advertiser - images covering the visit of Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation, Hon Grace Portolesi, to the APY Lands for South Australia’s metro daily newspaper.

  1.     The Adelaide Review Magazine - front cover image of artist Tiger Palpatja promoting the Tjukurpa Pulkatjara exhibition at the South Australian Museum.

  1.     ‘Alpiri Wangkanyi’ - supplied images for the quarterly bilingual publication produced by Ananguku Arts and arts workers from the APY Lands and distributed to art collectors, government departments and supporters of Ananguku Arts and communities throughout the APY Lands.

  1.     Australian Jewish Newspaper and the Yass Tribune - sporting images used on the their online services as well as their print media.





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© Iain Morton 2010.  All rights Reserved ABN:  741 187 600 19